JUNGIAN ANALYSIS & PSYCHOTHERAPY - Consultation, Counseling, and Education for Individuals & Groups
Papers & Publications
Peer Reviewed
Hiding in Plain Sight: Jung, astrology, and the psychology of the unconscious. Journal of Analytical Psychology 63:2, 2018.
The Function of the Frame and the Role of Fee in the Therapeutic Situation. Wmen & Therapy 22:3, 1999. Published simultaneously in For Love or Money: The Fee in Feminist Therapy, The Haworth Press.
E-Journal Papers
The Reality of Psyche: The Foundation of Analytical Psychology (Part 1). Jung in Vermont. The Monthly E-Journal of The C.G. Jung Society of Vermont. Jan. 6, 2009.
The Reality of Psyche: The Foundation of Analytical Psychology (Part 2). Jung in Vermont. The Monthly E-Journal of The C.G. Jung Society of Vermont. Feb. 4, 2009.
The Psychotherapeutic Relationship and the Healing Archetype With a Special Focus on Michael Conforti's Archetypal Field Theory. Jung in Vermont.. The Monthly E-Journal of The C.G. Jung Society of Vermont. April 1, 2009
The Religious Function of Psyche: Individuation, the Lifelong Path to Wholeness. Jung in Vermont. The Monthly E-Journal of The C.G. Jung Society of Vermont. May 5, 2009.
Home, Hearth, and Grave: The Archetypal Symbol of Threshold on the Road to Self
Jung in Vermont. The Monthly E-Journal of The C.G. Jung Society of Vermont. Nov. 7, 2009.